Networks Governance, Partnership Management and Coalitions Federation

editions palgrave mc millan

This book explores the governance of networks. A network's governance mechanisms are based on trust and confidence, which go beyond a simple economic logic.

As the network's boundaries expand to include clusters of businesses and stakeholders and the emergence of coalitions of all kinds, the trust will gradually dilute and the network's unifying role will be lost. The organization then evolves into the form of a network of networks, where the challenge is to bring together coalitions.

Using examples from the European Union and the Regional Health Federation of Networks, this book explores the political and socio-economic challenges, including decision making and the division of tasks, faced by network organizations which move to a federation model of governance.


"This unique book provides a dual added value: first, it comprehensively deals with the delicate issue of governance of hybrid organizations. It is then placed at a level of meta-analysis, through the case of networks of networks, which help to face some crucial challenges today. The text is addressed and illustrated in a bright and astute way."


Professor in public management,

Larequoi-ISM, University of Versailles, France, and Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University, USA 

"The Internet and the information and communication technologies, but especially the uses of new objects related or not to these technologies, transform the ways to act and, perhaps, to be. So, the networks within the meaning of collaborative structures, are in development, apparently, easily, quickly, effectively. They interconnect and creep into everyone’s daily life, accompany the relationship to reality in a world of screens, images and messages, transform our way of consuming, of exchange. All aspects of social and economic life are concerned, multinational companies as hospitals, humanitarian associations as SME.

This book focuses on a fundamental question: the governance of networks which may become, with a change of scale and of structure, networks of networks. The managerial approach is very important but not enough, and this book suggests also a socio-economic approach and proposes a political approach, illustrated by the analysis of a gerontology network.

The development of networks, tackled from the perspective of daily life, is relatively neutral for the citizens and the consumers who appropriate a lot of new features, get used to new services or new ways of connecting and gradually legitimate their participation in the success of new business models while claiming a right for the connection.

Because the evolution of networks, of their structures and of their modes of governance changes the boundaries of the organizations, the challenge now is to digest the complexity and to envisage the links between the global and the local: the networks, and the networks of networks, design territories populated by mobile players. His book help us to understand that. To go further, in this context, States, especially, need to be renewed."


Professor in international management, Ad Personam Jean Monnet Chair, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France 

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